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Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

Infinity Blade 1.2

Infinity Blade 1.2

Infinity Blade 1.2 
iPhone | iPod | iPad | 540.79 MB
Genre: Action Role-Playing

For untold ages, the God King has ruled with an iron fist - his power is incalculable; his followers, legion. Now you must journey to the Dark Citadel to battle his Titans, one by one, until you face the tyrant himself. As it has been for all in your bloodline, this is your birthright - to free your people from an endless legacy of darkness. The immortal can be vanquished - but only if heart, mind, and steel are one.
What's New in Version 1.2
NEW! CONTENT PACK #2 - Infinity Blade: The Deathless Kings
- ChAIR loves you, so we are giving you EVEN MORE awesome content in the ultimate update - for free!
- Descend into the dreaded dungeons, and unlock the God King's darkest secret...
- More than 10 new Enemies to defeat - the Wood Jester, the Iron Guard, the Plated Sorok, the Warden, and more!
- Finish the game and then continue to build your character with NewGame+! Re-master any item! Unlock new items in the store! How high can you climb?
- More than 30 all-new magic rings, swords, shields, helmets, and armor! Collect and Master them all!
- Multiple Character slots, new Achievements, more Leaderboards, dodge button size slider, and audio volume controls!
- Gameplay enhancements and optimizations

Infinity Blade 1.2

Infinity Blade 1.2

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